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Being part of the Chilliwack Community is really important to us. We love Chilliwack and are happy to call ourselves Chilliwackers.
We want to work with and engage with our community to make it a better place.
Get in touch, and let’s build a better community.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I become a Bahá’í?
To be a Bahá’í means to recognize Bahá’u’lláh as the Messenger of God for today and to follow his laws and teachings. There is no formal process or ritual to becoming a Bahá’í. If you recognize Bahá’u’lláh and follow His laws, then you are a Bahá’í. However, a person would normally inform the local governing council (known as the Local Spiritual Assembly) of one’s belief, so that they can fully participate in the activities of the community, such voting for the Assembly, receiving email updates, etc.
How can I get involved in activities here in Chilliwack?
Activities happen all around the city. If you happen to know a Bahá’í in your neighbourhood, you could ask them to assist you. Otherwise, you could get in touch with the Local Spiritual Assembly, which could put you in touch with a Bahá’í near you.
How many Bahá’ís are in Chilliwack?
Currently, Chilliwack has approximately 50 Bahá’ís. Globally, the Bahá’í community numbers more than 10 million members residing in over 100,000 localities. The community is as varied as Chilliwack itself in its makeup of ages and ethnicities. You will find Bahá’ís with ethnic backgrounds rooted in virtually every corner of the planet.
When was the Bahá’í community of Chilliwack established?
The exact date on which Bahá’ís started to have a stable presence in Chilliwack is unknown. The Bahá’í Faith itself was founded in 1863, with the declaration by Bahá’u’lláh of His station as a Messenger of God.
Is there a church?
There are no churches in the Bahá’í Faith. Activities are mostly localized in neighbourhoods and held in informal settings, such as homes, parks, and community centres. It would not be unusual to attend a prayer gathering in someone’s home, to participate in a youth group in a community centre, or to have a spiritually oriented conversation in a coffee shop. While there are no churches, the Bahá’í Faith does have temples (known as Houses of Worship) that are open for anyone to pray and meditate. The House of Worship closest to Chilliwack is located in Wilmette, Illinois, near Chicago.
Who is the leader of the Bahá’í Community of Chilliwack?
The Bahá’í Faith has no clergy. However, it does have an administrative system at the international, national, and local levels. As in almost every other city in the world, Chilliwack has its own local governing council, which guides the community here. Known as a Local Spiritual Assembly, this institution is composed of nine members elected every year by all of the Bahá’ís in the city.

Global Baháʼí Websites